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6 Tips to Help You Prepare for Natural Disasters

Flooding, tornadoes, hurricanes, 野火——感觉每周都会有这样的自然灾害出现在新闻中. 这个国家的每个地方都面临着自己的环境威胁, 这意味着每个房主都应该为自己最坏的情况做好准备. 但事实是,许多美国人都在努力维持手头的应急资金. According to a recent survey, 只有56%的美国人有能力支付意外的1美元,000 bill with their savings. The rest would be left racking up credit card debt, borrowing from friends and family, or taking out a personal loan. Before disaster strikes, 在自然灾害发生后,我们将用这六条建议来帮助你做好财务准备.1

Tip #1: Fill Up Your Emergency Fund

首先要做的是:如果你没有专门的应急基金,是时候建立一个了. 如果你一直在慢慢耗尽你的资金用于非紧急支出,那就集中精力把它填满. 而你的大发888dafa可能会涵盖刚刚发生的任何灾难所造成的损失, it could be a little while until you see any money coming your way. In the meantime, you could be stuck paying for nights in a hotel, meals for your family, gas, medical bills, and other expenses. Depending on the disaster, your place of work may be affected as well, 这意味着你可能会失业很长一段时间.

Tip #2: Prepare for Unexpected Expenses

Speaking of keeping your emergency fund full, 一场自然灾害会带来意想不到的——通常是昂贵的——额外开支. If a hurricane is nearing the coast, 内地的酒店涨价也不是不可能. The same goes for gas, food, and water. With the rise in demand can come a surge in pricing. 此外,如果你通过你的大发888dafa提出索赔,你可能会期待昂贵的免赔额. 如果发生电涌,你的电器可能需要更换. Together, these extra expenses can add up quickly.

Tip #3: Keep Cash on Hand

It's generally a good idea to keep a stash of cash on hand, 但如果你正在为可能发生的自然灾害做准备,这一点尤为重要. Whether you're facing a blizzard, hurricane, or tornado, your town or city could easily go days or weeks without power. That means merchants in your area may be without power as well, which could make them cash-only businesses for the time being. 手头上有一些现金(通常是小面额的)可以让你购买必需品, including food, water, and shelter.

Tip #4: Assess Your Insurance Policies

如果我们要求您详细列出大发888dafa单上的大发888dafa项目,您能否? If you're like most, probably not. 但是,在自然灾害发生后几天向你的大发888dafa公司提出索赔,并不是得知你的财产没有被大发888dafa的时候. Instead, 在自然灾害发生之前,花点时间与你的伴侣和大发888dafa公司讨论一下你的房主或其他大发888dafa政策所保护的内容. Together, 你可以讨论任何额外的大发888dafa范围或变化,以帮助你和你的财产在未来得到保护.

Tip #5: Always Keep Records of What You Own

Once you're sure your insurance policy has you covered, you need to be ready to make a claim at any time. 这意味着要准确记录你拥有的东西,你花了多少钱,以及它值多少钱. Keep a spreadsheet, photos, 或者你当前贵重物品的视频,以及它们的成本价格和当前价值. 这可以帮助保持索赔过程中,当涉及到得到补偿你的遗失财产. 如果你的家或文件被自然灾害摧毁,尽量把数字副本保存在房子外面. 这可能包括将数字记录保存在云端,或将物理副本保存在大发888dafa箱或存放在亲戚家中.

Tip #6: Set Up Autopay

我们已经讨论了从自然灾害中恢复时可能需要准备的额外费用. 但有一项额外费用你不必担心,那就是滞纳金. Setting up autopay on your credit card, car payment, cable bill, mortgage, 或其他持续费用是避免在自然灾害发生后错过付款的一种方法. 当自然灾害来袭时,你最不可能想到的就是支付有线电视费用, and understandably so. Autopay can make life easier any day of the week, 但这也意味着灾难发生后,你的盘子里少了一件事,你的世界变得更加混乱.

无论你住在哪里,你永远不知道灾难什么时候会降临. 当你面对着情感上的混乱把生活的碎片重新拼凑起来的时候, it's important to know that you're financially well-grounded. 在自然灾害发生之前,遵循以上六条建议将有助于你和你的家人在经济上为意外做好准备.

1., January 19, 2022

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